Pele Caixa Remo SK 0013 00 Skyntone
Descrição Inglês
With a warm stick attack and controlled high frequencies the Skyntone™ snare drumhead has a warm gut-snare sound even when paired with standard wire snares. In a concert setting the slightly subdued articulation makes it perfect for live concert halls where metal snare drums generally sound too sharp and tinny. For drum set, at higher tuning ranges the Skyntone provides a warm controlled sound with an excellent surface for brushes.
SK-0013-0013"Batter, Skyntone, 13" Diameter
A Musitech Instrumentos Musicais foi fundada no ano 2000, quando iniciou uma nova etapa da jornada no ramo de comercializaテァテ」o de instrumentos musicais, テ「dio profissional, iluminaテァテ」o e instalaテァテ」o de sistemas audiovisuais.
Musitech Instrumentos Musicais Ltda | Av. Herval, 695 - Centro - Maringテ。, PR - CEP: 87013-110
CNPJ 03.846.192/0001-40 - TEL - (44) 3034-7057 | Email -
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